BELGIAN ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY V.V.S. - Working Group Variable Stars Cataclysmic Variables Circular No.125 1997, January 12 Ed.: T. Vanmunster, Walhostraat 1A, 3401 Landen, BELGIUM Internet: TEL. 32-11-831504 CBA Belgium Web Page : =================================================================== EY Cyg [UGSS, 11.4v - 15.5v] ============================ We have been informed by Jochen Pietz, Germany about an outburst of EY Cyg. Subsequent confirmation has been received from Gene Hanson, Az, USA. Here are the visual outburst observations of this important object : 1997 Jan 11.71 UT, 12.8: (J. Pietz, Germany); Jan 12.097 UT, 12.7 (G. Hanson, seq: AAVSO); Jan 12.104 UT, 12.7 (G. Hanson); Jan 12.118 UT, 12.7 (G. Hanson); According to the Outburst Activity Database on Selected Cataclys- mic Variables, EY Cyg was last seen in outburst on March 27, 1992 (Schmeer, Griese, Scovil), when it reached mag. 11.0. Despite the unfavourable location in evening twilight, we urge observers to monitor this outburst particularly closely. Congratulations to Jochen and Gene for their important contri- butions ! Tonny Vanmunster